Kind installation for Kubernetes
For installation of base tools and other setup details, see:
Using Colima on Mac
We want to increase the number of file handles:
colima ssh
Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add:
sudo -i
cat <<EOF >> /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 1048576
fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 512
Then systctl -p
Base setup / setup of your local kubernetes
Create cluster:
kind create cluster --config kind-api-cluster.yaml --name=k8sdebug
Test cluster: (##1)
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-k8sdebug
kubectl wait pod \
--all \
--for=condition=Ready -A
Create a key that you will register as a deploy key in github:
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/k8sdebug -N "" -C "Key for k8sdebug setup. This key was generated by $USER"
Copy the key and create it as a deploy key with write rights in
cat $HOME/.ssh/ | pbcopy
Bootstrapping Flux
Bootstrapping flux:
cd ..
kubectl create -k flux/system
kubectl wait pod \
--all \
--for=condition=Ready -n flux-system --timeout 300s
Create the local cluster:
cd ..
kubectl create -k flux/kind/
Create secret in the flux system
The secret gets created so you can pull (and later write) to the git repository:
flux create secret git flux-cluster \
--url=ssh:// \
--private-key-file=$HOME/.ssh/k8sdebug --namespace=flux-system \
--export | kubectl create -f -
Create a pull token to fetch images from github packages
First just check that you have the namespace "apps":
kubectl get ns apps
If you don't have it, check running pods, and status of flux. (See debug section at the bottom of this file for details.)
Ref: authenticating-with-a-personal-access-token-classic
- open:
- Choose "Generate new token" and classic token
- Fill in info
- Choose write:packages and delete:packages (for good measure)
- Click "Generate token"
- write something like
export CR_PAT="..."
export USERNAME="your github handle"
echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u $USERNAME --password-stdin
docker pull
If you with this manage to pull an image, you successfully have a token in CR_PAT variable.
export CR_PAT="..."
export USERNAME="your github handle"
kubectl -n apps \
create secret docker-registry gh-packages-auth --docker-username=$USERNAME \
--docker-password="$CR_PAT" --dry-run=client -o yaml > k8sdebug-pull-secret.yaml
kubectl create -f k8sdebug-pull-secret.yaml
rm k8sdebug-pull-secret.yaml
(Take a moment ot look at the yaml file before applying and deleting it, in order to verify contents.)
Optional: Enable mcalert
In order to get a nifty display of cluster status on the menubar, install The github entry page will explain how you compile and install it.
Create the file in your $HOME and put the following into it:
mcalert.prometheus.endpoints.local-prometheus-auth.header[0].content=Basic bmVvbjpzZXNhbQ==
Commands / cheat sheet
Command | Description |
kubectl get pods -A |
Get pods in all namespaces. All should be running ok |
flux get kustomization -A |
Get Kustomizations for all namespaces. They should all not be suspended, |
flux get sources git |
Find status of sources, i.e. the remote git repostory |
flux reconcile source git k8sdebug |
Force reconcilliation of git |
flux suspend kustomization -n flux-system flux-cluster |
Stop reconcillation. Start it again with "resume" |
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=apps |
Set active namespace to apps |
kubectl edit deployment k8sdebug |
Adjust a running deployment. Flux need to be suspended |
kubectl rollout undo deployment k8sdebug |
Revert to previous setting after an edit |
If trouble with nginx-proxy and prometheus
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/prometheus-k8s 9090:9090