Java example spring boot application

A simple spring-boot application created with Spring Initializr.

  • Micrometer metrics are enabled and exposed with Prometheus (##2)
    • We have a custom metric

Build / deploy


cd ../spring-app
./mvnw package spring-boot:build-image

This builds and sets up the image (##3) with JiB. The setup takes a considerable amount of time... You get an image primed with a rather obtuse setup with values you might want to adjust.


Alternative jib build

Just build the image yourself. Instructions:

cd ../spring-app

./mvnw package 
docker build -t k8sdebug:manual .

Deploy image to kind

kind load docker-image k8sdebug:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --name k8sdebug
kind load docker-image k8sdebug:manual --name k8sdebug