Connect a debugger

Attaching a debugger to a running application. Prerequisite is that the application is configured with the proper jvm arguments: ##6


In addition, you need to add "Remote vm debugging" to the IntelliJ debug configuration.

export POD=$(podhash k8sdebug)
echo "Pod: $POD"
kubectl port-forward $POD 5005:5005
  • Create a breakpoint the controller (##2), and observe the pause.
  • What happens to the running k6 tests?
    • Pro-tip: Remove probes in order to avoid Kubernetes restart of pod when sleeping on breakpoint.

The function podhash

The function podhash is used to find a pod + hash for a given name:

function podhash {
    if [[ "x" != "x$1" ]] ; then
        kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items..metadata}{.name}{"\n"}{end}'|grep $1|head -1