Insert your laptop into running cluster
Eclipse JKube can hijack a service in the cluster on your behalf. You replace the current application in the cluster with your local laptop. Doc: https://eclipse.dev/jkube/docs/kubernetes-maven-plugin/#jkube:remote-dev
You need to suspend flux, to avoid reconciliation which would reset the manual configuration. You also need to adjust your Kubernetes context so you are in the correct namespace.
- Start k8sdebug locally, change output
- Check output from currently running cluster: http://k8sdebug-app.local.gd:31090/
- Ensure you have a connection to k8s, and that you have the apps namespace active. You should see the k8sdebug pod:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=apps
kubectl get pods
- Suspend Flux, so it does not reset config:
flux suspend kustomization k8sdebug
- Start k8sdebug locally, change output
- pom.xml has configuration for hijack. Do:
cd ../spring-app
./mvnw k8s:remote-dev
- Check output again: http://k8sdebug-app.local.gd:31090/
With the steps above, you should observe output from your locally running application.
Have a look the pods in the namespace - you have got a new one:
kubectl get pods
When done, stop maven job with CTRL+C, and remember to resume Flux:
flux resume kustomization k8sdebug